Sunday, May 10, 2009

Situations that Inspire Language Use

The situations that inspired language early on for my son (at about 10 months) were meal times (sign for "all done") and seeing people as we were walking through town ("hi," "bye bye," "baby").

As he developed more language, he wanted to point out things in the environment that he found interesting ("car," "airplane," "motorcycle") and talk about the things he saw in books ("cat," "dog," "fish").

Now at two years his speech is driven from his internal mental processes as opposed to external events.  He talks about the past and future and also uses speech to convey his imaginative thoughts:

SON:   "It's Bear."
MOM: "It is Bear.  What is Bear doing this morning?"
SON:   "He's cooking."
MOM: "He's cooking?  What is he cooking?"
SON:   "Using spatula ... He's cooking pancakes and muffins."

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